This Android smartphone is all set towards success after it has been launched in India. Its features seem to make the Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 highly successful in China. The beautiful design comprises of a tremendous build quality with premium metallic design. It provides a good grip with the edges curved at the back. With the display of 5.5 inches Full HD display and pixel density 401 PPI, the phone has a good display quality.
Apple released its long awaited update of iOS 9.3 for the Apple handsets last month. Initially, the iOS got numerous updates with additional features such as Verizon Wi-Fi calling, Night Shift and much more. The update release by the Apple Inc, are not expected to the mark and also brought bugs and various technical problems. Recently, it has been in the news that Apple has made an update of iOS 9.3 namely, iOS 9.3.2. Here, I shared the things that everyone needs to know about iOS 9.3.2 update.
This might be the one of the major deal in this year, The Chinese insurance company named Anbang is acquiring the historic Hotel del Coronado and Loews Santa Monica Beach Hotels for a greater amount of 6.5 billion US dollars. The Strategic Hotels and Resorts Incorporation were previously owned by Blackstone Group, which own similar 16 properties, will be sold to Anbang Insurance Group, said by the source, who familiar with this transaction.
Apple Inc. and China’s relation seems to have had their time as China bans iBooks and iTunes all across the country. What is shocking is that they were introduced in the Republic of China just six months earlier. As the reports suggest, the step might just have been taken in pressure created by various publication houses, press and television demanded Apple to be banned. Six months earlier Apple Inc.
China has banned the various services such as Online books and movie services from Apple, in order to monitor and control the distribution of online content in the country. Yes, the country has banned the above mentioned services within just 6 months after the launch of these services.
What would you buy if you had to choose between the latest Apple devices and the Samsung Galaxy S7? Well, that would be a difficult decision to make, but be lest assured that Samsung has possibly gone beyond Apple with their latest flagship device. iPhones are more often than not considered as the best quality high end device that you can buy and possibly it is true as well. But if you are looking to compare iPhone 6 and Samsung Galaxy S7, there are two points of consideration, where iPhone 6 is not the best.
Snapchat might just be working on some kind of a wearable. According to the rumors, the social messaging platform, has been hiring a few individuals who have a work experience in this regard. In fact, the recent job postings that Snapchat has posted, it looks like they want a few talented en for purpose. Amidst the recent hiring by the social messaging platform, the individuals come from varied backgrounds like Consumer hardware, electrical engineering, Virtual Reality Space and all of this clearly points out to something cooking for Snapchat.
Apple Inc. has always been up on the toes when it comes to its much loved and successful iPhone. Rumors have it that Apple might just be working on an all glass iPhone design and it is seriously interesting if we only take the idea into consideration. It is also stated that the update to iOS 9.3.1 will have the fix to the most disturbing bug of the current version.
We saw the only Total Solar Eclipse of the year on March 8. The spectacular event was shown live was NASA. There is no doubt about the fact that it was one spectacular sight for the eyes. Now, NASA has come up with another video that clearly takes the event to an all new level.
Pfizer on Friday, announced that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have approved the expanded use of the cancer drug Xalkori (crizotinib). The drug is used to treat patients with advanced small cell lung cancer with a rare mutation called ROS-1.