On Friday, two of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration astronauts ventured outside the International Space Station for a spacewalk to perform a plumbing work have encountered a minor glove damage and leaking ammonia. However, NASA has confirmed that it was a very minor incident and it wasn’t a dangerous situation at all.
A couple of months ago, BlackBerry rumored about their upcoming Android based Smartphone. Earlier, we thought that it’s just a false news. Later on, a purportedly leaked image spotted online shows a BlackBerry device that runs on the Android operating system. We started collecting more speculation on next rival and found lots of features. Back in October, the company announced their first Android Smartphone well-known as “BlackBerry Priv”.
Google, One of the largest tech giants announced “they acquired Fly labs”. Fly labs is well-known for photo and video editing applications. Their applications are so popular and got a milestone of 3 million downloads in just 18 months.
A few months ago, millions of Volkswagen cars were recalled as it found some scandals on diesel emission testing. The company even started an investigation on the cars that affected by the issues. It is said that, they are specially keeping eye on the EA 288 diesel motor. The list includes Jetta, Golf lines, VW’s Passat and other EA 189 model.
Back in September, Apple Inc (NASDAQ:AAPL) unveiled a most awaited iPhone 6S and 6S Plus Smartphones. It is a month of celebration, Apple fans are so excited about the launch. When we look into the history, most of the former devices unlocked in the September. Moreover, we can expect the next rival in the month of September next year.
Back in September, Apple unveiled a most awaited iPhone 6S and 6S Plus Smartphones. It is a month of celebration, Apple fans are so excited about the launch. When we look into the history, most of the former devices unlocked in the September. Moreover, we can expect the next rival in the month of September next year. There is no doubt, Apple’s upcoming device will debut as “iPhone 7“. We had a lots of speculation on next legend that spread around the internet. Macrumors reports, iPhone 7 will have some changes or improvement in the hardware.
After a great success on HTC One A9, the Taiwanese electronics company preparing for next Smartphone launch. A new flagship will debut as HTC One X9 and likely to arrive soon. HTC hasn’t revealed the release date, but we can expect the device in mid-December. According to the latest rumors, the company’s upcoming flagship reaches consumer as E56 model number and priced with $470.
HTC’s latest attempt to recover its market share is a high-end device with all-unibody metal designed HTC One A9. Announced in September 2015, HTC One A9 with latest Android 6.0 Marshmallow OS has been released to the market this week. Sprint has already started selling the device starting today with its different pricing plans.
The most awaited firmware update has finally arrived for HTC One M8, at least for its Google Play Edition. Finally, HTC has officially started rolling out Android 6.0 Marshmallow update to its HTC One M8 GPE smartphones.
The recently released Assassin Creed Syndicate failed to hit the expected milestone. Ubisoft published their first six month financial statement online. We all enjoyed the newly launched Assassin Creed Syndicate game, but Ubisoft was down and failed to achieve a first week sale.