Xiaomi recently launched Mi5S and Mi5S Plus a while ago. These models are the successor of Mi5 which may arrive soon into the market. Now it seems that company is getting ready to bring another model under this segment. This upcoming model may be the Mini edition of Mi5. It is now very clear that Xiaomi is interested to increase its product portfolio as their models are getting popular in many markets. Mi 5C may become the part of their portfolio soon after Mi5S and Mi5S Plus as some discussions are going on from some time about this rumoured model.
Thinks get little more interesting, while putting two different brand Smartphones. At a glance, we are going to judge on their features and utilities. At this juncture of time, let’s compare Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge and HTC One M9. As we all know that, Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge released back in April, whereas HTC One M9 is the latest released Smartphone. Since, both the devices run on the Android operating system. We can expect some similarity in hardware and sensors.
LeEco is set to launch their new gadgets and Android TV in US market. The team of LeEco is excited about it but it seems that overexcitement may not appear good for them in coming times. Company accidentally showed the details of their gadgets and specific details are already available online. Company is officially planning to show the gadgets on October 19th, 2016.
The competition between Apple and Google will increase in coming times. Apple knows it very well and it is the reason company is interested to offer the best services to their users. Operating system is among the most vital things for a smartphone. It provides the chance to the company to offer innovative things to their customers. Apple understands the point very clearly. Therefore company is getting ready to offer second beta of iOS 10.1 and you can now check it even if you are not a developer.
The technological revolution can change everyone’s lifestyle. We don’t ever imagine ours life without gadgets, smart phones and automation systems. Home automation is one of them, but today its cover a huge area of our lifestyle. Secure home automation system is an innovative step to control your home from your smart phone.
LG is out with a new and smart wearable this month and it is none other than its Watch Urbane 2 LTE. It is the first and only watch that can independently connect to the internet over the air using LTE. It just does not depend on your phone or Wi-Fi anymore because in a latest update from Google in regard to wearable software, that you can now stay connected in more places.
For all those sporting a beer belly or an apple shaped physique, there is a definite bad news. Scientists have revealed that belly fat is even more risky than overall obesity. The spare tires you carry on your stomach can really kill you in the long run.
Samsung Galaxy A8 2016 is in news from many months now. Company finally unveiled this model last month and now they have starting selling this gadget. Samsung is currently offering this model in South Korea. Pre-order of this gadget started from October 1st, 2016 and now customers can get their model. SK Telecom is the exclusive partner for this model in South Korea. It is not clear when this gadget will be available in other parts of the world.
Facebook is regularly working to offer new functions to their users. The surprising thing is that Facebook has decided to offer functions similar to Snapchat and many people around the globe are talking about it. You may remember we were discussing about these features some time ago. The functions will be available globally very soon and it is almost certain that Facebook wants to consolidate their position by offering almost all types of innovative features.
Facebook is well-aware of the changing trends of the business and they like offering new things as soon as possible. The best thing about the platform is that they do not think twice before offering new things to their users. This is certainly one of the best things for the users of this platform as well as Facebook. Company is looking to change with time.