5 super food for rainy season for better immunity

19 Feb 2019

Rainy season is the happiest season of the year. After facing the high temperature of summer few drops of rain can give the best relaxation from the humidity and hot weather.

Rainy season is also mention as worrying season, it the time of weak immunity, poor digestion, fever cough and cold is very common these days.

Some super foods can prevent us from these seasonal diseases and protect us from many bacterial problems. Everyone must take these super foods in rainy season especially old age people and children’s, because seasonal disease affects more on them.

1 Green Tea: Contain oxidants, caffeine; it acts as fat burner and boosting our metabolism. In this season metabolism becomes slow and problem of bad digestion become common. It also contains polyphones which detoxify our body.

2 Lemon Juice: Great source of vitamin C, lemon juice is most popular detoxifier, also control weight and purifies blood. Citrus acid is very helpful for body especially in these days.

3 Broccolis: Very popular super food contain vitamin, antioxidant helps in reduce obesity, improve constipation and weak immune system .Many people faces constipation problem in this season. Broccolis contain antioxidant and minerals which help in constipation and bad digestion.

4 Pineapple: Huge storage of vitamin, potassium, copper, manganese, calcium and high source of fiber. It repair immune system, better digestion, reduces wait and recover bone health.

5 Apples: Rich source of vitamin C, beta carotene, vitamin B6, potassium, phosphorus. It keeps heart healthy, protects liver and built good immune system.

Try to avoid leafy vegetables in this season, it may cause several diseases. Keep yourself safe and clean and enjoy rainy season.

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