Pokémon go is a new GPS based augmented reality game. Pokémon go has grown incredibly since its release and it become one of the most popular game. The tag phrase of this game is ‘got to catch them all’. In the game, players can locate, capture, battle, and trained virtual creatures, called Pokémon ,who appear on the screen as if they were in the same real world location as the player.
1 Pokémon go break off’s children’s addiction : children spending more time on watching TV, playing mobiles games are actually go outside and exercise through this game, but be aware of their surroundings and to play with friends when going to new or unfamiliar places.
2 Very soon Pokémon go affected toys world: Topping charts of the game can affect the toys market also, there is become a huge demand for little monster Pokémon among the people especially in children in the future.
3 Youngsters are more happy and alive with Pokémon go: It’s pretty much quite difficult to the youngsters to overcome with depression and anxiety, but after playing Pokémon go they are busy in collecting Pokémon eggs rather than other thoughts.
4 Pokémon go effected electronic wait losing product: Quite funny but true, players’ long hours of walking as they physically chase the animated Pokémon creatures, reduces their wait and make them fit and healthy can affect the sale of electronic products, people use to lose their wait.
5 People going to surprised with their neighbors while playing Pokémon go : By getting out and walking around to hatch the poke men eggs, people exploring parks, landmarks, discovering neighbor and enjoying getting to the city as they know never before.
6 Pokémon go creating debate, people become healthier through game: It’s interesting to know, that game have a positive impact on emotional, mental and physical health of players. They become more active and go outside to play and communicate with others.
7 Pokémon go; A real world adventure: players direct interact with the real world through the game, they travel around the map to capture location of monster Pokémon.
8 Pokémon go gives you a mini mental break: The problem of “quick” check of face book, twitter, Instagarm gets rid of while playing Pokémon go.
9 Pokémon go become educational: the format of finding through GPS can educate the players with the real world and making us more anti social, prevent boredom and improve concentration.