Apple recently launched their new MacBook Pro and this time they made a few changes on this machine. This newly designed MacBook Pro 2016 is somewhat similar to 12 inch MacBook. It is an ultraportable machine with some elegant concept that makes the gadget different from previous models. This new MacBook by Apple has started a new discussion into the market. It is already around six days that company launched the model and many experts are finding it tough to understand what company is actually trying to do in coming times.
It is a well-known fact that Apple always tried to keep the things simple for their customers. However the new MacBook Pro does not fit into this category. The machine has 3.5 mm slot and USB –C plot. Now you need external help to connect other devices with the machine. It seems like adapter will be the first thing which many users will like to purchase before ordering this new MacBook. Now is it going to make the things simple for the user? The answer is ‘NO’. It will not be an easy decision for many potential buyers to go with this MacBook edition. If you like utilizing different gadgets then you have to purchase additional accessories to access it through the new MacBook Pro. However there will be a new USB-C power adaptor with the machine but some users may not find it supportive all the time. There is no USB 3.0 Type-A port here.
Battery life is going to be the strongest point of this MacBook. Most of the experts are saying that it has almost 12 hours of battery life. Company has included DCI-P3 colour spectrum here. Therefore you can also get a good display here. The machine is sleek and you may find it easy to carry. Therefore if you are frequent traveller then it can be a good choice. However it is vital to inform you that company is relying on USB-C/Thunderbolt 3 ports. Therefore you have two options in this case. You either have to change all the old accessories or you should be prepared to carry different types of adaptors every time because all the old peripherals are not going to work here. The price of this new gadget starts from $1499 only. Therefore check all the features carefully before ordering the new MacBook Pro 2016.