The United States Justice Department has dropped the fight with Apple Inc. Both of them found themselves entangled over privacy with regards to a case in New York. The United States Justice Department required access to an iPhone as it was one of the prime evidence in a drug case. For that to happen, they wanted Apple Inc. to have them a backdoor entrance to hack into the device. But a hack is now no longer needed.
According to the reports, someone provided the United States Justice Department with the pass code for the device and hence they do not need the hack anymore. The letter filed in the federal court in Brooklyn, the prosecutors used the pass code to access the iPhone and the Justice department does not need any assistance from Apple Inc. anymore.
To be true, this marks a sudden end to an extremely hyped case. Some people were even calling it as a fight between personal privacy and national security. In the initial stages, the lower court had ruled in favor of Apple Inc. stating that the United States Justice Department could not force Apple Inc. to provide the backdoor to the iPhone.
The issue received more attention when the United States Justice Department had in the past dropped the fight against the iPhone maker in the San Bernardino killings. In that case, one of the shooters had an iPhone and the Justice Department wanted Apple Inc’s help in getting the contents of the iPhone.
The United States Justice Department’s spokesperson Emily Pierce stated, “ever been about setting a court precedent; they are about law enforcement’s ability and need to access evidence on devices pursuant to lawful court orders and search warrants.”
On the other hand, Apple Inc.’s spokesperson retaliated stating that the prosecutors never actually provided any proof stating their claim that they needed the data in the iPhone with regards to the cases.