Apple Inc (NASDAQ:AAPL), isn’t known for giving deals in normal days other than occasional Black Friday offers, and those student discounts. Surprisingly, they are now giving $50 discounts (limited time) on Apple Watch when people purchase the same with either a new Apple iPhone 6s or 6s Plus.
According to Apple Inc, the deal is active now on Apple Watch Sport and Apple Watch with the purchase of the company’s new flagship smartphones. However, other smartwatch variants like Apple Watch Hermès and Apple Watch Edition are not available with this deal.
Apple Inc’s surprise promotional offer isn’t available online, but you need to buy new iPhones with these smartwatches at Apple Store locations in Massachusetts and California. Apple Stores in Burlington, Chestnut Hil, CambridgeSide and Boylston Street in the Boston metro area, and San Francisco, Corte Madera, Chestnut Street, Burlingame, Hillsdale and Stonestown in the Bay Area are participating in this promotion. If you want, better call ahead before moving to your nearest Apple Store to crosscheck and avail this offer.
$50 deal on Apple Watch is available throughout October 30 to November 15, 2015 in above said Apple Store locations. You need not buy any accessories, add-ons or AppleCare+ to avail this discount. You just have to buy the qualified Apple iPhones and Watch together in one transaction. MacRumors suggests that if any users who are in the 14-day return period can work something out to avail this offer.
From this surprise move of Apple Inc, we can see the desperate attempt of the company to grab as much as consumers to its Watch ecosystem before the shopping season begins. The company is already making some good money by selling iPhones that contribute to the most of its profits, and also earns revenue through app purchases and iCloud. So, bringing the loyal fans to its ecosystem will make the buyer a perfect customer who may not leave the Apple’s ecosystem.
When many people start wearing Apple Watch along with using iPhone, they will act as a walking billboard for Apple Inc to attract more customers during the holiday season, as people will note it and add to their wishlist. Would you want to buy this for a $50 discount?