In the month of October, Eveleak published purportedly leaked specs of the upcoming BlackBerry device. Surprisingly, it is said that next rival is going to adopt the Android operating system rather than official BlackBerry 10 OS. All speculation came true, when we found allegedly leaked BlackBerry Smartphone powered by the Android OS. Previously, the sliding device was first named as “BlackBerry Venice”. Later on, the Android-based Smartphone was renamed to BlackBerry Priv.
A couple of months ago, the company announced Priv and started sale in the United states. On the other end, AT&T offers new BlackBerry flagship with two year contract at $249.99. Internally, we have Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 808 SoC that boosts 3GB RAM. The device design seems too old because of its sliding factor. Most of the people won’t like physical keyboard.
Talking about the features, it comes out with Android 5.1.1 operating system. The latest Android OS was named as Marshmallow and firmware update are already out for most of the supported devices. But the question remains unanswered, when do BlackBerry Priv receives an official Marshmallow update. Additionally, BlackBerry Priv carries 2 megapixel selfie shooter and 32GB expandable storage. It also includes a 3410mAh battery to keep the device alive for longer days.
According to the latest reports, “BlackBerry Priv has got all compatible hardware for Marshmallow firmware, the device gets update sometime in the new year”. The company hasn’t specified the date of release, but we can expect the marshmallow by the end of January.
Ron Louks (BlackBerry President) reports, “the company planned to roll out a firmware update to European consumers”.