A new metal foam, named Composite Metal foams, has been discovered/made which will turn the high velocity bullets into the pieces of dust. Thanks to the manufacturer of the new generation material, which might save thousands of peoples’ lives in the future. The Composite metal foams, which has numerous properties, are basically strong in nature, and which basically turns a high velocity bullet into dust due to the high velocity of the bullet. Even in the case of Armor-piercing bullet, the CMF will turn it into pieces of dusty material.
On observing the various properties of CMFs, a group of scientists from NC State University, Professor Afsaneh Rabiei as lead, spent a couple of years in the developing of the CMF and studying the various properties of these composite metal foams. The higher quality of CMF can be used in manufacturing a new type of armor, vehicle with CMFs embedded in it. The bizarre property of CMF will stop various powerful impacts, and provide a safer medium for those beside it.
NCSU released a video regarding the CMF, which turns the bullets into pieces, when the bullets impacted on the foam. As per the standard procedure, the M2 armor-piercing bullet is fired, and it turns into dust, when it is impacted the surface of Composite Metal Foams.
In the video shared, 7.62 x 63 mm of M2 armor piercing projectile is fired on the basis of standard testing procedures, and is disintegrated into pieces, when it approached the CMF armor. Apart from this, the metal foam is not only a perfect shield for impacts. But also, the same will act as a perfect shield for X rays and neutron radiations.
Afsaneh Rabiei, professor in mechanical and aerospace engineering at NC State University mentioned as,
We could stop the bullet at a total thickness of less than an inch, while the indentation on the back was less than 8 millimeters. To put that into context, the NIJ (National Institute of Justice) standard allows up to 44 millimeters indentation on the back of an armored. […]The presence of air pockets inside CMF [also] make it so effective at blocking heat mainly because heat travels more slowly through air than through metal.
The CMF can be used in many aspects and due to the bizarre properties it has, the material can be used for protecting one even from fire and heat impacts. Apart from this, the material can be used to transport nuclear wastes from one place to another place, since it is safe from radiations. In the meanwhile, the material is made up of a combination of various material such as steel, carbon, titanium, and so on, which makes the material to resist long enough.
Stay tuned with Tampa Bay Review for more updates on CMFs.