If you are someone who spends a good amount of time in front of a computer, then you must be aware how tough it becomes to stare at the screen after a long reading or writing session.
This is because the web pages are throwing a white light in your Face. It is not a healthy way to do more work when you have to struggle to even look at the screen.
If your room (or wherever you are working) does not have sufficient light, things can get ugly.
This is why I use Writebox and have customized it like a Dark Room app, I recommend that for everyone who writes long articles. It lowers the strain at your eyes.
And if you are someone who is researching for work, or simply browsing, there is a Chrome extension that can help you.
High Contrast, as the name suggests, darkens the web pages by inverting the colors. So you see white text on a black page instead of black text on white page.
This is actually helpful to install because you can disable/ enable it with a simple mouse click or (Shift + F11).
Then there is Clearly, a distraction-free reading Chrome extension from Evernote, just install it and press Alt+C and it will give you a clean uncluttered page to read the article. There is a black theme as well.
There are similar chrome extension available for particular tasks as well, such as an extension to darken the YouTube page so that you can enjoy them (even though you can simply view it in full-screen mode) but just in case.