There is good news as well as a bad news with respect to Microsoft Corp’s (NASDAQ:MSFT) HoloLens. The much talked about Virtual Reality Headset will be available for a demonstration at the company’s store in New York. This was the good news. The bad news is that the public demonstration will only be available for the developers and not for the consumers.
To be precise, the developers who are interested in working with Microsoft’s HoloLens will only be provided with the opportunity to work with the device will be allowed an entry to the demonstration.
The developers who are interested will have to again pay quite a hefty amount of $3000 for Microsoft’s development edition build that will allow them to develop for the virtual reality device. In order to be a part of the demonstration, the developers will have to fix an appointment stating that they are interested as a developer to be working with the Virtual Reality device.
According to a statement given by Microsoft Operating System Group’s technical fellow Alex Kipman, “It’s because of this overwhelming reception that we’re eager to open the first ongoing HoloLens experience showcase for developers at the Microsoft Flagship Store in New York. Now, developers who have been wanting to try HoloLens will have the chance to experience the world’s first fully untethered holographic computer, powered by Windows 10, for themselves.”
He also added that the waiting list is on the rise and it is expected to go to grow more before the demonstration of the device in 2016. The appointment can be fixed via the official events website of Microsoft’s HoloLens.
The demonstration of the HoloLens is scheduled to take place in its official store in the fifth avenue between the 53rd and the 54th street.