A latest report from a study states that consumption of pasta will not lead to obesity, but in turn, it will help us to lose weight. But controlling the quantity of consumption, as a part of the Mediterranean Diet, one can control their obesity by simply eating pasta.
Yes, two studies were made by involving 23,000 adults in Italy, and reported that consumption of pasta leads to low prevalence of obesity. The study was made by a group of researchers at the Department of Epidemiology, I.R.C.C.S. Neuromed in Pozzilli, Italy. Since the beneficial effect of pasta was unclear, the study was made to clear various aspects of unverified benefits of pasta. As a result, the researcher group unveiled that there is not at a reason to exclude the pasta from one’s daily diet.
In the press release, George Pounis, lead researcher of the study stated as,
“By analysing anthropometric data of the participants and their eating habits, we have seen that consumption of pasta, contrary to what many think, is not associated with an increase in body weight, rather the opposite,” “Our data show that enjoying pasta according to individuals’ needs contributes to a healthy body mass index, lower waist circumference and better waist-hip ratio.”
According to Mr. Pounis, the consumption of pasta in one’s health diet may lead to healthier BMI with improved proportion of the waist and hips. Even though, the researchers promoted the consumption of pasta, they were still insisting on having a healthy balanced diet, while eating food. The study was started by the group of researchers in the year 2005, after a long period of 11 years, the study was published in the Journal of Nutrition and Diabetes.
During the initial phase of the study, the individuals were signed up for determining genetic elements, which underlies cancer and cardiovascular diseases. As a result of the study, the individuals who consumed pasta at a regular interval of time doesn’t gain weight and those people, who’re already overweight has reduced their weight a bit. The individuals who were involved in the study consumed their food on the basis of the Mediterranean diet plan.
Also, one more study suggests that undercooked spaghetti have a noticeable positive effect over the blood sugar levels too. The research proved us that pasta has an affirmative effect on reducing the obesity and also it has debunked the previous myth that consumption of pasta will lead to unhealthy body state.
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