Game of Thrones is a television series, which become too popular in a short span of time. The series is created by showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss by adaptation of fantasy novels. The series is first premiered on HBO on April 17, 2011. As the year passes on, each season of the series was premiered in the month of April and May on HBO. Sixth Season of Game of Thrones is currently premiering on HBO from April 24, 2016.
The series has attracted by millions of fans all around the globe, due to the reputation of the fantasy novels. It is widely criticized by critics for its story, violence, frequent use of nudity and so on. Even though, the series is being loved by an immense group of people in this globe. As of now, the series has secured 26 Primetime Emmy Awards and other numerous awards; also the series comes with huge group of cast, which is the largest casting on television till now.
HBO’s mega TV series Game of Thrones has moved into the sixth season this year and it has completed its 4th telecast already. Today is the day of the 5th episode (GoT S06E05) “The Door” and here I shared a list of Game of Thrones covers made by GOT fans, and here they are,
Though, there are lots of covers available in the internet, the above covers are listed due to the uniqueness of the post. The last one is for the Game of Thrones lovers, who loves to hear the theme music for a longer period of time.