This year during the Black Friday, Thanksgiving and Cyber Monday, we saw a galore of deals in literally every aspect. Starting from Televisions to smartphones, everything was available at heavily discounted prices. Amidst all of these extravagant items that were available at discounted prices, Aukey’s QC 2.0 chargers were also in the list. Aukey is well known for the quality chargers that it makes but there have been a few cases where the devices have been found to be faulty.
According to the reports, Aukey’s QC 2.0 charging products have had quite a few issues in the past, but none of them were serious enough to have had caused any sort of questioning. But now, we have officially received a report of the Aukey’s QC 2.0 charging product, where in a consistent follower of our website, found himself in a very bad experience with Aukey’s QC 2.0 chargers.
According to the report that we have received, he had bought the Aukey’s QC 2.0 Charger during the sale and the device was heavily defective. In fact, according to his accounts, it literally blew off on his face.
On further study, it was found that quite a few Aukey’s QC 2.0 chargers that were sold during these sales were faulty. This puts through a very important question regarding whether the manufacturers use these sales to clear off their stock. If this is so, then the consumers need to be careful before buy any sort of electronic gadgets.