Before a couple of weeks, there were rumors about the release date as well as variants of Samsung Galaxy Note 6, in which one comes with flat screen and another one comes with curvy edges. Till date, there is no other information about the specifications of the variants has leaked on the internet. But today, a new rumor firing up in the internet about the other variants of Galaxy Note 6 i.e., Lite version of the device.
The rumored device powered with Snapdragon 820 chipset similar to S7 and S7 Edge, along with 1080p Full HD display with screen size of 5.8 inches. In addition to that, the device is powered with 4GB of RAM, which will make the device to perform without any sort of lag.
The name Lite version came into the picture, since it is a scaled down version of standard Galaxy Note 6. The standard version of Galaxy Note 6 comes with Snapdragon 823, with 6 to 8 GB of RAM and QHD 5.8 inch display. While compared to Samsung Galaxy Note 6, the Lite version will be a bit cheaper, since the device comes with less configurations. By supporting only Full HD, rather than supporting QHD will make the company to reduce the price of the device. Apart from these changes, other configurations of the device looks same as other variants.
As of now, it is simply the rumors and we need to wait until the Korean giant unveil the device officially.