The researchers from China invented a carbon-based paper that can walk, fold and even turns corner on its own. The Donghua University researchers reports, the paper is made up from ultra thin carbon material called as graphene oxide or self folding Orgami. The graphene oxide membrane has an unusual stiffness and 2-dimensional graphene back bone. A lot of questions arise in our mind about the new invention. Whether it’s a new kind of magic trick?
The Chinese scientist explains the truth behind carbon paper experiment in the science advances. They use the infrared laser beam on the surface of carbon paper, which results an inanimate object by itself. Then turn into a normal stage, when the light is turned off.
Science mag reports, the modern invention of paper folding can be used in next self folding devices and structures. It turns the future of remote robotics. Moreover, this innovation could also results to detect the humidity, electrical fields and even small sized robots.
A decade ago, the student of the UBC engineering college developed a similar kind of paper that shrink by itself. He used computer designed software and a heat shrinking polymer, which transform by itself. He got the idea after watching a demonstration video of Orgami paper.
The self-folding paper is more interesting, cheaper and consumes less energy compared to other substances. We can replace products made up of plastics with paper in the future.