Apple Watch is one of the major lead by the Cupertino giant to bring out connected health problems to the users without any sort of hassles. The tiny mechanism will bring out various intelligence feature, which could save one’s life.
Yes, the device could consistently monitor and warns the user regarding the impending heart attack to the users. The interesting part is that the device will automatically dial the emergency services from the device if it found any signs of heart attack. The built-in heart monitor, microphone and also accelerometer can bring out an enhanced health monitoring system in the device.
The potential of the device will save million of lives in the world by being connected all over the time. In the same time, there is also a threat in being connected always. When a user is being connected all the time, then it might help the criminals to take details about the users and the same will help them in identifying theft, burglary and also in money fraudulent.
The user’s identity can be easily compromised if they are always being connected with the network. The personal as well as private files of the users might be hacked by the hackers and can be used for other fraud purposes. In order to fully monitored, the users need to be connected and also be completely secured.
Additionally, a struggle is going between Apple and other technology firms in the market. This might increase the chance of promoting third-party group to hack into the security system of the Apple Watch. It’s completely in the hands of users to be secured and prevention is always better than cure.