Low battery life is one of the biggest issues for Android (iOS too) smartphone users. If you want to quickly improvise your phone’s battery life up to 20 percent, then you should immediately uninstall Facebook app. Yes, you’ve read it right.
According to an anecdotal proof provided from his own research, an Android blogger Russell Holly (Reddit username pbrandes_eth) has concluded that removing Facebook and Messenger app can increase the battery life by 20 percent. He also noted that the other apps would open 15 percent faster than before.
He used LG G4 Android smartphone when studying about the impact of uninstalling the social network app. We all know that Facebook app is too mainstream that no one would like to uninstall, but a Reddit user suggests to uninstall the FB app and use the social network through a web browser app, so that users can increase the battery life and speed up the phone.
According to his anecdotal evidence, both the Android OS and Android system consumed lesser battery power after uninstalling Facebook + Messenger apps. That means, Facebook app indirectly consumes your battery power even when it runs in the background. Even the default or any third-party battery meter apps would not show the exact battery consumption by Facebook apps. Now, test yourself and decide for yourself, whether the battery life is important or Facebook app – as I have said earlier, you can also use almost every feature of the social network through the web browser, whenever you need.