As all Apple fans waiting for the release of iOS 9.3 jailbreak, iH8sn0w has successfully jailbroken the iOS 10 beta version. Also, he released a video that states iOS 10 early beta version has been jailbroken, and running Cydia on iOS 10.
Recently, Apple has released early beta version for iOS 10 for developers. A well-known iOS hacker iH8sn0w has leaked a video, that shows he has successfully jailbroken iOS 10 in his iPhone 5. He also reported that the cydia application is running without any sort of crashes till now. As we all know, there is no real public release of iOS 9.3 jailbreak, this might be a breakthrough for the jailbreak developers. Also, people have to wait until the official release of iOS 10.
Is jailbreaking still exist?
Sadly, there is no official release of Jailbreak for iOS 9.3 has been released on the horizon, and whatever tools have been released are fake. Last year October, Pangu released a major tool to jailbreak for iOS 9.0, which is still widely used for jailbreaking iOS 9.0 – 9.0.2. Also, for those people who updated to iOS 9.1, Pangu has released a minor tool in March, which allows them to easily jailbreak their iOS 9.1. After that, there are many fake releases for iOS 9.3 and Pangu as well as TaiG were unable to crack iOS 9.3 to make a solid jailbreaking tool. Also, there were many rumors that Jailbreak for iOS 9.3 will be released before WWDC. But, nothing went right.
A lot of people saying iOS jailbreaking is dead, and is impossible to jailbreak. But, jailbreaking of iOS 10 by iH8sn0w given a hope that even iOS 10 can be jailbroken. The downside is that iH8sn0w will not release his exploit as a tool, like Pangu and TaiG does. This made us to wait till the official release of Jailbreaking happens.
The worst part is that iOS 10 is just an early beta version right now. This made Apple to update their beta version and the exploit will be patched by them, before Apple release beta into a public one. Stay Tuned with Tampa Bay Review for more updates.