On July 18, Apple released iOS 9.3.3 officially and no jailbreak tools for the same has been even hinted at popular jailbreak teams’ websites like Pangu. We all were expecting some signs of delivery after they demonstrated a bug in iOS 10 beta. But all our hopes have been crushed.
The latest version of iOS 9.3.3 after 5 stages of beta before its release on March 2016, has come with improved security updates and many improved features. With the upcoming release of iOS 10, the users have barely a few months to experience these latest features from iOS 9.3.3 and the advanced features than these will be released upon iOS 10 final release.
Users are waiting for what could be there in the store for them from Pangu after they demonstrated jailbreak for iOS 10. But they didn’t confirm any word on iOS 9.3.3 jailbreak tool. However, observers made a wild assumption that PanGu will simply roll out iOS 9.3.3 jailbreak without any prior announcements.
On the contrary, we have been getting reviews of the latest version of iOS 9.3.3 that it runs smoothly with Pokemon GO and the users are encouraging others to make this upgrade.
The question now remains unanswered by PanGu is whether or not a jailbreak for iOS 9.3.2 or iOS 9.3.3 will be released by their team?
We now do not have a working jailbreak solution for iOS 9.3.x available. There are no real updates from any of the prominent jailbreak teams, what would be healthy to assume is, with iOS 10 release just around the corner, let’s wait for the working functionality of it and continue for an upgraded jailbreak tool for the same from PanGu.