We all know that, when a new version of jailbreak is released in the market, as soon as the Cupertino giant, Apple is releasing a new patch for their operating system. Since the latest update for Apple iOS is out, the jailbreak makers are currently looking to develop iOS 9.3 jailbreak for iPhone and other iOS devices.
According to Yibada, technology blog, Pangu Team and TaiG are currently developing a tool, which is especially for iOS 9.3. This, in turn, will make them to release an official version of jailbreak at any point of time. It is highly expected that, the jailbreak version of iOS 9.3 might be released in between the month of April and June. This made them to skip out releasing a jailbreak version for iOS 9.2. The main and ultimate reason behind the scene is that, iOS 9.3 is an almost stable version of the iOS 9 and Apple has plans to release the next version for iOS 10 in upcoming WWDC. This forces the developers to release the jailbreak version for iOS 9.3 before Apple has strengthened its security flaws in the operating system.
Apart from this, it might be a hard news to digest, that Apple has already strengthened its security system of its operating system. Also, this made the hackers very hard to utilize the root version of iOS 9.3. In the meanwhile, there is a talk in the internet, which’re saying that the iOS 9.3 jailbreak will not be released on the internet. This might be a disappointing news for the jailbreaking lovers and the possibilities for the release of iOS jailbreak has been cut short by the Apple Inc.
But, it is highly hoped by the Apple fans for the release of JB 9.3 and it is suggested for the JB fans not to update their operating system, when the company comes with new updates. Stay tuned with Tampa Bay Review for more updates on iOS 9.3.
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