iPhone 5s: Why You Should Buy it Now

26 Feb 2019

Apple iPhone 5s, the smaller flagship model released from the Cupertino giant, Apple Inc., before three years. The time might be faded, but the reputation obtained by the device is ultimately high and still remains high in the heart of many people. Before this, you wouldn’t have a thought of buying a three year old mobile, but iPhone 5s will make you think so. The interesting thing behind the picture is its price, the price of the device falls abruptly down, which made each and everyone to go for it. Here i shared, why you should buy iPhone 5s and what it got packed with, 

The device’s size: The size of the device is ultimately small, when compared to the current smartphone market. While compared to recent flagship models such as Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge and LG G5, the size of the device is very small, and it will be an added advantage for the small screen lovers. iPhone 5s is one of the best small screen smartphone, which you can buy in the United States. The device perfectly suits in your wallet and you can use it with a single hand in a moving bus or in a train. If you compare the current smartphone market with past one, the various companies are eagerly involved in increasing the display size of the device. But, if you’re a small screen lover, then iPhone 5s will be a perfect choice for you to buy it with 4 inches of display size.

Price: The price of the device has reduced abruptly, before the launch of iPhone SE, the current flagship from Apple Inc. You can get the device for $200-$300 or even for free with two years signed contracts. There are lots of deals available in the internet for iPhone 5s, if you’re buying the device on contract basis.

Hardware from Apple: Buying iPhone 5s might be a better choice, than buying other two years old mobiles such as Samsung Galaxy S5 or LG G3. The most of the internal components found in the device, are from the Apple, which will offer maximum performance than other smartphone internal parts. For example, Apple camera will provide rich-in-class image reproduction, when shooting images from iPhone. But, if we compare the same with another device, the performance will not be to the extreme like iPhone performance.

Performance: The device is powered with Apple A7 processor, which is quite old now. But with A7 processor and 1 GB of RAM, the device will work without any sort of lagging. The device seems to be working well with the configuration. Now, it is not at all good to compare the performance of the device with A7 processor, when A9 Processor based available in the market.

If you’re a small screen lover and want to enter into the world of iPhone, then iPhone 5s might be a perfect decision to buy it.

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