Apple iPhone 5se, the upcoming 4-inch next generation iPhone, which is rumored to be unveiled on March 21. The 4-inch iPhone 5se looks similar to iPhone 5s and comes with enhanced curved cover with Apple A9 processor.
Rumors regarding the 4-inch display device was there from the release of iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s. It’s been a long time after the release of the same, now Apple has planned to unveil the smallest 4 inch iPhone 5se. After a year, rumors has been ramped up regarding iPhone 5se, and it took lots of time for the company for solid the design as well as the internal components of the device. Now, we are getting clear what can be expected from iPhone 5se, after the massive production of iPhone 5se internal parts.Overall Expected Features:
Overall Expected Features:
4 inches of display
Apple A9 Chip
Touch ID
Apple Pay
12-MP camera
No 3D Touch
Metal Curvy Casing
The so-called iPhone 5se is remodeled one after Apple iPhone 5s, and it can be also considered as the second version of iPhone 5s. Previous rumors were saying that the upcoming device will be similar to iPhone 5c. But, current rumors were predicting the same will be relevant to iPhone 5s. Apart from this, rumors were saying that the iPhone 5se will be powered with the same screen size of iPhone 5s and also possess slight curves on its back.
Apple iPhone 5se might be powered with Apple A9 processor, as same as iPhone 6 and also with 1GB RAM. In the meanwhile, the manufactured parts help us to predict that the device will come in only two variants 16GB and 64GB versions. Sadly, 128GB version of the device will not be released to the market.
The upcoming rumored device will come with 12-megapixel camera, and will support larger panoramas similar to iPhone 6s. The device will not be receiving 3D Touch feature and support Touch ID for Apple Pay. Stay tuned with Tampa Bay Review for more updates on iPhone 5se.
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