iPhone 7 Catches Fire and Damages a Car; A man Claims in Australia

19 Feb 2019

Smartphone industry may not forget the year 2016 for numerous reasons. This year we saw a number of new brands making the things tough for the big giants. Moreover at the same time those big giants shocked the world with their smartphone blasts. We all know what happened with Samsung Galaxy Note 7.Now a new incident jolted the smartphone industry.

The supremacy battle between Apple and Samsung is going from a long time. It is well-known to everyone that they are the competitors in the market. However it seems that Apple is looking to compete with Samsung in a new way also. A man in Australia is saying that his new iPhone 7 caught the fire while he was away for surfing. He is saying that he kept the gadget inside the car and the interiors of the car also got damaged badly.

Some reports are claiming that the name of the person is Mat Jones and he works as a surfing instructor in his country. He is claiming that he kept the phone in his car and went for a surfing session. Later on after the session he saw that the windows of his car were black. He opened the door of the car and saw the interiors of the vehicle also caught the flames. A major portion inside the car got burnt and he suffered a huge loss. He kept the phone inside the pants before his surfing session. He further added that he had no doubt that the source of fire was his new iPhone.

Currently it is tough to say that Mat Jones is right or not. Apple has decided to investigate the whole incident. Some reports may arrive after the investigation. However at this stage it is tough to comment anything on it. The person is saying that the whole incidence is not about the phone only. The condition of car is so bad that he cannot even use it. So at present he neither has a usable car nor a phone. The new iPhone 7 has just arrived into the market. It is selling like hot cakes as many people looking for a premium gadget prefer purchasing this model. Currently the authorities are checking the whole case. Apple is not interested to take any chance and it is the reason they are taking all the required steps to check this episode closely. Let’s hope it should not become a big issue because it may hurt the smartphone industry in future.

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