Apple usually announces the first weekend sales numbers of the smartphones that it launches. This trend has been noticed for every phone the company has ever launched, including the latest iteration iPhone 6S. However, the same practice was not followed with the iPhone SE. Apple has stepped back from the trend and not revealed any kinds of information about the first weekend sales numbers related to iPhone SE. The launch of the phone was announced on 21st March 2016. Preorders for the phone started from 24th March and their shipping begun from 31st March 2016.
When the announcement for iPhone SE launch was made, it was claimed that almost 3.4 million preorders had been placed for the iPhone SE in China. But sadly, it has been noticed that all the speculations have gone wrong. There is clear evidence of the fact that demands of iPhone SE are quite low in the market. And this is the reason why no weekend sales numbers have been published by Apple for the small-sized iPhone.
Though the demands of iPhone SE are low in the market, many people are ordering other versions of iPhones quite frequently. For instance, the iPad Pro, which is 9.7 inches, is quite high in demand in the market. As per report from a trusted mobile engagement platform, it has been understood that iPhone SE could manage to get just 0.1% of the market share during the first weekend sales. The adoption rate of the iPhone SE is much lower than other iPhones including iPhone 6S.
Some reasons why people do not like the iPhone SE so much
It is quite surprising that iPhone SE could not make the impact it should have made and was expected to. Apple is already speculating the reasons as to why the demands of the phone is so low in the market. At just 4-inches, the iPhone SE is way smaller than other iPhones and even other smartphones. People are now using smartphones, which have a whopping 6 inches to 7 inch screen size. This could be one of the reasons the iPhone SE is not making waves.
The second reason behind its not being accepted by customers is speculated to the fact that there has been no upgradation in specifications or design or features. Why would customers buy a smaller sized iPhone with no upgraded features? Customers nowadays are highly updated regarding the changes that come in the mobile technology world. They look for products which have the upgraded features.
Impact on the iPhone sales market globally
There was a purpose behind launching the iPhone SE by Apple. The main purpose of launching the 4-inch iPhone SE was to boost the overall sales of iPhones globally. The company had thought that people would like the product and purchase the same in large numbers, thus increasing the total sales of iPhones. The low sales rates of iPhone SE is a clear indication of the fact that this iPhone model will hardly have any impact on the total sales of the company. Logistics reports say that total numbers of iPhone shipments might fall below 200 million units in 2016, which is not very good news for Apple.