“Bigger species of fish related to the Salmon became alone, suspicious and rarely they found their way into the basket where they are ought to behold” these were the thoughts of Potter County author. Pointing towards the trout’s, they display a complete reversal of their character during daylight. These reversals of character are rarely seen during the midnight. This is the promise of the scary journey to the fly fishing workshop on August 17 at the river of the Youghiogheny.
As the sun sets the beauty of it does not let people to move their eyeballs in a rotatory position anywhere. The eyeballs become still and the muscles hold them in a single position to let them go deep into the beauty. Same as the principle of hatching the trout lie within one’s love for it. These scenarios may become the late night snacks for the people who have desperately felt for this act.
There is some error in the feeding of the big browns only at night. But on the other side when they do not show this we can make an assumption that they may feed during daylight like trout’s. It was noticed that some brown trout’s changed their behavior after the growing age of 5-8 years. At this point of time they start eating fish and stop eating macro invertebrates.
Twice in the increase in age was noticed in the one’s who became carnivorous. Taking the advantage of the situation the food they take passes through their deep covered haunts so that they can feed recklessly with full efforts in the dark light.
In the river there are some rainbow trout’s present, but the behavior of these brown aging trout’s is unique. The one’s who have become the meat eaters were not born of this. According to the survey, 12.5 percent of the trout’s survive to legal size but in some, it runs up to 14inches from 3 to 5 inches in the river’s cold upstream water.
In the month of June, at the river YOUGHIOGHENY symposium sponsored by the chestnut RidgeTU,fish and boat announced that they are going to alter their program by making 70 percent of the rainbows to the brown trout’s and 100 percent of the rainbows. This is because the biologist believed that rainbows survive for the longest time.
KOTOWSKI uses big half inch mayfly patterns of candid’s sizes 8 to 10 at no. 6- 8 hooks, tied with the 2X, 3X single filament leaders and thrown with 6- 7- weight rods. According to KOTOSWKI during the daytime while catching for the trout’s you should cast your upstream and give a fly to the good natural shift. During the night, you should cast in and across the surface so that the water is pushed aside and trout are able to see it. Roll the rod against it as you roll around the chair of the dance step and give the chance to let it come up. No false casting is accepted. You should feel the cast and then pull it up.
The other pattern of this technique was big mouse patterns by KOTOSWKI which included 3-4 inch bass bugs which were tied on no.4 hooks. Its positions can be upstream or across, down and across and then are pulled by strong stripping motion.
KOTOWSKI states that the best time are the evening and night time for the casts. There are some places which are dangerous at the river, which should be avoided by the people. So precautions are the key to safety, so carry headlamps along with you who throw the shine on the near by surface but remember not to throw the shine on the water.
KOTOWSKI also reported that workshop will touch the night fishing with 3 to 4 inch streamer patterns.