Malaria grows rapidly in your body and affects you quickly. Researchers have now found the secret behind this ailment. The cause of malaria is directly linked to the cure, so it’s great news indeed for the medical field.
The parasitic illness is due to a mosquito bite, but the changes your body goes through into the blood can be life-threatening. The protozoa affects the protein named cyclin that are responsible for the spreading the parasite in your blood like a wildfire. This is dangerous because the parasite is unable to be cured with any malarial medicine available right now. The cells are divided at a great speed and the infections from mosquito bite can cause death after a great amount of suffering.
The research team at the University of Nottingham claims that cyclin protein excites the cells to divide rapidly. This broadens the horizons for parasitic cell division within the mosquitoes and can help save more than half a million deaths around the globe. The research can extend and find a treatment by analysis of parasitic growth and the way this protein behaves with human blood, causing malaria.
The parasites live in mosquitoes and are transferred to human bodies. The life cycle and development of parasite and cells is due to three types of molecules of cyclin protein. It is very interesting to see how further scientists and medical innovation can go to find a treatment for this disease and save individuals from the death bites.
Until a proper cure is discovered, keep following your doctor’s advice and use a new if you sleep outside and try to drink clean water and keep your surroundings tidy.
Also try to spread awareness by sharing this post and telling us if you have faced any similar illness troubles.