Microsoft Band 2 Now supports Cortana for Android

27 Feb 2019

The Microsoft Band 2 is a useful little device. Combined with the Microsoft Health app, this device can provide you everything you would expect from a fitness band. The app works perfectly with Windows Phone Devices, while the Android users were always complaining about one missing feature, the ability to give voice commands to the device.

The Redmond-based tech giants fixed this issue once and for all through their latest update to the Microsoft Health app. The update brought in Cortana, Microsoft’s own AI assistant.

With Cortana on your Band, you can access your personal assistant for instant notifications of important events, communications, and voice-active info without reaching for your phone. Speak into the mic on your Band to get Cortana to take notes, set reminders, fetch facts, and more. ~ Microsoft

However, there is a catch, in order to use Cortana with your Band 2 you must install the Cortana For Android App , which is available to US residents only.  This means that users from other countries will not benefit from this update.

This week’s update to the Microsoft Health app was not limited to the Cortana integration, it also brought in zoned-heart rate monitoring, and the ability to compete with other Band 2 users in terms of exercise endeavours.

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