Huawei and LG brand partnership with the Google to release two new Nexus Smartphones. They call it as Nexus 5X and Nexus 6P Smartphones. As soon as Nexus 5X reached the consumers, the camera API had some minor issues in third party application. If you switch to a camera in third party applications, it displays upside down. We haven’t found a similar kind of error in the former released flagships. You don’t need to be so tensed, this camera problem has not arisen due to phone hardware fault.
The Reddit user gammaplay reported Nexus camera issues to the LG supports. Two days ago, he received an email back from the LG support. The company asked him to update third party application, which may resolve camera bugs. This news was highlighted and a copy of email published on the reddit network. The errors seem to cause due to limits in Nexus H/W.
According to the reports, “the main reason for Nexus 5X camera rotation due to error in API”. Nexus 5X camera API rotates 180 degrees by default, but has trouble while using third party camera applications. The orientation sensor lack in codes that leads to upside down camera in other camera apps.
Later on, one of the tech redditor (etalvala) replied to LG support regarding the issue of android camera framework. Redditor etalvala reports, there are two methods to mount image sensors in the Android device. By default, the device uses normal way to mount the image. On the other end, third party applications use the second way to mount the image sensor in the Android device, that fails in Nexus 5X.
Redditor etalvala continues his words “Because of manufacturing reasons, we needed to mount the Nexus 5X main sensor in the less-common (reverse landscape) orientation — the wires from the sensor chip wouldn’t have fit otherwise,”
Most of the application prefers the old camera API, which needs a developer to prompt the application preview rotations. Basically, the Android based Smartphone camera API automatically diverts the screen to landscape mode by default. But in the case of third party applications, some developers fail to check the display orientation.
In the new camera API, the rotation need to be adjusted by the developers. Those developers who use the old camera API still need to make some changes in their UI orientation and sensor with the help of boilerplate. You can find the boilerplate tool under developer docs. Similarly, the front facing camera bug issue found in the Nexus 6P can also be fixed using same tips.
We look forward more updates on Nexus 5X and 6P devices, share your experience in the comment section.