Oscar Munoz, Chief Executive Officer of United Airline has been discharged from the hospital after successful heart transplantation.
Munoz, who entered into the most senior role in the United Airlines as a chief executive office, after Jeff Smisek who was ousted for the investigation of corruption, suffered from the cardiac arrest on last October 15th. He undergoes a heart transplant operation on January 6th and successfully released from the hospital last Friday.
Brett Hart, who act as a current CEO of United Airlines mentioned in a statement as,
‘I want to assure all of our customers, employees and partners that as Oscar completes his recovery, we remain focused on leading the company forward and implementing Oscar’s strategic vision’
The Early health course of the patient seems very clear and heart function of Mr. Munoz seems to work quite well than expected. The medical team, which involved in heart transplantation has mentioned that the patient can able to return to work after two or three months of time frame. The time might be differ on the basis of age, stress and other medical problems.
Munoz wrote a letter and indicated that,
My new heart makes me feel like I’ve been given a new set of wings, and that reinforces my confidence that, with the wings we all share, we can soar in our quest to make United a great airline for our customers and a cherished place to work.
As per the United Airlines, Mr. Munoz might return to his position at the beginning of the second quarter. Mr. Munoz aged 57, might spend severe tough time in recovering from the operation due to his age and other complications. The authorities say that there is no possible rejection since the heart performs well during the initial stages.