Pebble announced Time Round smartwatch and likely to hit the store by November 8. Earlier, the former Pebble devices were fully featured and optimized to support with latest operating system (iOS/Android). Unlike other brands, The company offers numerous specification that we can’t even imagine. In the latest version, the company brought a lighter and thinner body for the Pebble fans.
If we go through some of its specs, Pebble smartwatch carries smartphone notification, activity tracking, Bluetooth, games, GPS, picking calls and text messages. This is insane! You can control over 55% of Smartphone application in smartwatch.
According to the latest update, The company started its new round smartwatch shipment. Talking about the latest one, the device sporting stainless steel chassis and 7.5mm thin. This is the history, smartwatch with rounded body make sense. Pebble rolled out the round smartwatch with a $250 price tag, but we also have Android wear popping on the store for the same price. You can either make the order in the Pebble’s official store or from retailers such as Amazon, BestBuy and Target.
The devices come out with splash-resistant and classic look. Pebble itself says, 15-min of charging can stay alive up to two days. The Round smartwatch is available in different colors and the choice is left to the consumers. Apart from powerful hardware-it has got epaper display and LED backlight. Every Pebble smartwatch pre-installed with an official store, where you can find thousands of applications. We look forward more updates in Pebble watches and don’t forget to share your opinion in the comment section below.