A few days back, a Reddit user Irdiss2Dev posted an image, claiming it to be a photo of Nintendo’s NX controller. Pranksters have now revealed that they were fake, and have posted a mockup video of how they created the hoax.
The first image posted on Reddit was completely made using photoshop, and a second leak, looking more legit, sent the internet into a tizzy. The second leak used photoshop, FormLabs Form 2 3D printer and a Trotec laser, making it look real. The second set of images created by Frank Sandqvist said that the prank was a result of curiosity. Sandqvist and his brother were behind the hoax, which managed to fool a good part of the internet community.
“I thought it would be funny to see how easy it would be to recreate that ‘photoshopped’ leak in real life,” said Sandqvist.
However, some users were quick to point out that the first image was fake due to the poor lighting, while others were debating about its flawed features. Many users who were disappointed with the design were hoping that they were fake images, heaved a sigh of relief. But, many are still wondering about Nintendo’s silence regarding the hoax. Gaming analysts believe that the design could be somewhat similar to what Nintendo is actually working on. The company’s silence has brought in added speculation about the new controller.
Nintendo Life contributor and Did You Know Gaming creator Liam Robertson tweeted that the ‘NX’ images are completely fake, after he contacted a source within Nintendo of Europe. Game Informer’s editor-in-chief Andy McNamara also tweeted that he had heard that the NX would not have face buttons, but was unable to confirm. The latest hoax adds to the list of Nintendo mockups over the years. However, Nintendo ON is the most popular hoax, created by Pablo Belmonte aka Psyco3ler. Belmonte is also known for creating realistic images of nonexistent games like Super Mario Galaxy DS and Majora’s Mask remake, which was made before its official release.
The authentic patent of Nintendo’s NX console was releases in the summer of 2015. Since then, rumors and leaks on the new game controller are plenty. The company is likely to take a while before they reveal the official details of the NX controller.