There was a recent share by T-MOBILE of its Q2 2016 results and the judgement on its members and it demonstrated that things are still looking up for the network. Its UN-carrier campaign was the cause for its immense growth, which also managed to take away the hearts of many people by maintaining the lure in them and also maintaining loyalty among those who are already using this network.
When T-Mobile launched the free program a month ago, it did not even expect a huge turnout of the profit with the cases. Though to out with the profit everyone has to accept a loss first, then only the turning point arises with the failure. It passed off here as well, on the launch day its T-Mobile app crashed that is on Tuesday and there were sheer volume of users. After a week its free partner Domino’s backed out of the plan. Though it helped by giving the free pizza to the users during the case.
Despite these drawbacks, it fought and gave unbreakable deals to the customers as a $15 coupon for the Lyft ride and just recently it announced Pokémon Go which won’t count against the customer’ data for a year. Who will not want such deals?
The little perks offered to the customers by T-Mobile under their UN-Carrier campaign were eyely seen observation to the latest Q2 2016 observation. This managed it to receive roughly 646,000 net new post-paid number’s. But this profit led to the decline by 1.27 percent as its turnover. As compared, Verizon recently announced that 86000 customers were brought while AT & T lost 180,000 post-paid customers. And these two fall in the same stop.
But T-Mobile won’t reveal that how much its app managed to assist the company, its CFO Sievert says that the UN-Carrier campaign has helped to turn out as it has been the most talked about move, after receiving around 6.6 billion views on the social media. These variants says that customers have appreciated the little gestures that are made to them by the carrier they will choose.