An Infant of Spain suffered from Scurvy, owing to over consumption of almond milk from the age of 3 months. According to the reports, the baby suffered from scurvy, which was caused due to the insufficient Vitamin C in its body. The child did not show any symptoms until the age of 11 months. At around that period of time, the other of the infant noticed that the child was showing signs of fatigue, which is a rare instance at such an infant age.
Some reports suggest that the excessive amount of almond milk that the baby was subjected to, was the root cause of the Vitamin C deficiency. A journal has claimed that over dosage of plant or seed based foods and drinks can at times lead to such a situation. The rate is expected to be high amongst kids as their metabolism is very different to that of a normal man.
The reports about the event states that from about the age of 6 months, the child was experiencing certain acts that were unusual. The kid found it difficult to sit in a stable way for a kid as well as the rate of interaction also saw a considerable low.
The baby is presently safe, and is enjoying a good health. The doctors reportedly made the baby have cow milk for about two and a half months. They also administered the infant with 300 milligrams of Vitamin C every day. During the later states, the infant’s diet was shifted to more of a traditional approach. The diet included more grains, cereals and milk. The doctors also continued to administer Vitamin C and Vitamin D is appropriate proportions.
Many pediatric have said that, Almond Milk should not be blamed for the Scurvy. The real issue was it being the exclusive diet.