According to the latest rumors, we can expect an Apple’s launch event in the month of March. When 3D technology in iPhone 6s took sales to the peak, iPhone 7 rumored specification spread like a wind. Unluckily, the 4-inch iPhone is not going to be iPhone 7 smartphone. GSMArena reports, iPhone 5se going to join iPad Air 3 launch event. Moreover, the company also unlocks a major Apple Watch update on the same month.
If you are looking for the release date, no worries, Apple set to unbox surprises on March 15. There might be some changes in the release date. Just calm down! Apple will soon announce in the press release. As for the iPhone 5se, we can expect the same iPhone 5s outer design and less shiny look. The price starts from $450 and increases on selection of storage variants. Basically, you can choose 16 or 64GB storage during purchase. If you are a gamer or need a large space, I recommend to go with 64GB variants. In comparison with iPhone 5s, the device sporting A9 processor that boosts pre-installed latest operating system. Other iPhone 5se stuff such as Apple Play, Live photos and advance camera hardware supports.
Meanwhile, Apple iPad Air 3 joins in iPhone 5se launch event. Talking about the iPad Air 3 features, the device comes out with A9 processor and 3GB RAM. It carries unique quad speakers and Smart connectors like iPad Pro. Some website says that iPad Air 3 is the first device to get LED flash on the back.