Snapchat wants to drive more users to their Discover platform, which boosts daily traffic. To do so, the company now allowing their 100 million users to subscribe their favorite giant media brand or publishers. This allows to track feeds from top publishers such as CNN, BuzzFeed, MTV, ESPN etc.
In a recent interview with CEO Evan Spiegel, we came to know that new subscription feature will launch in the month of May. They might change release timeframe for the further development process.
Meanwhile, the company decided to change bare-bone logos in the discover section. Snapchat wants them in unique design or free style. If they apply some magazine-style design, users can easily track publishers day-to-day featured contents. We are not sure, how the subscription element actually works. It might go like this-users will receive notification from subscribed brand or publishers, when the new content arises.
We can expect less static and more content preview supports, which enable users to follow with a single tap. The latest update brings some changes in the stories section. Snapchat also going to integrate publisher feeds in the stories section. This is a place where most of the people check what their bone companion are up to each day.
Although, the latest update carries some changes in Snapchat discover tab. It won’t push the latest update in users personal Stories pages. In spite of that, users can track new contents from the subscribed publishers.