The redesigned platform of Snapchat didn’t receive much appreciation from many users. Many users have complained that they were not able to understand the new design fully and it was the reason that they were not able to utilize the complete functions of the platform. It seems that Snapchat has received the similar complaints from many users. Therefore they have decided to bring back the reverse chronological order. Users can now be able to see the reverse chronological order for stories. It will now make the task much easier for many people.
The specific function of noticing the newest stories first was highly popular among the users. However, Snapchat decided to make some changes on their platform some time ago. Many users got confused with the new platform and they struggled to notice the stories. Now the reverse chronological order of stories is going to be supportive and it will be an easy task for the user to check the stories without any difficulty. This function will now be available and the feature “algorithmically sorted feeds” will be replaced for all the users. You may already know that Snapchat offered the new function while redesigning the platform. This new function will now be replaced and the reverse chronological order will be ready to show you the details.
Snapchat is offering this update in all the sections. You may know that there is a section where you can see just tabs and stories. The second section is also available where separate stories and chat tabs will provide you all the details. The reverse chronological order will assist you to check everything without any difficulty. Now this change is certainly going to be more useful. Snapchat tried their best to show with the personalized contents but things got complicated for many people. Snapchat users didn’t find the newly redesigned platform easy to use. Now the Algorithmic method will not be available to trouble the users in coming days.
It is very clear that Snapchat is bringing this change for the users. However, this feature is not available for all the users at present. Snapchat may take a few more days to offer this function to all the users. There is no official announcement from Snapchat for the same. Experts are saying that the popularity of “Instagram Stories” has affected the growth of Snapchat. Therefore the company is taking some important steps to make the platform more accessible.