Nobody likes to see ads on websites, but Ads support the webmasters and bloggers who work hard to create informative content and offer it for Free. In, fact we also display ads that help us pay our bills.
And we have seen that over the last few years, our mobile users have increased, they now account over 30% of the total visitors every month.
So, there are 30% chances that you are reading this post on a Mobile device. And you may haven’t noticed any popup or scary banner that asks you to install an app immediately. You may have encountered such websites while browsing on your mobile phones, it is really very irritating and we seriously do not want that kind of experience for you.
Then there is a way you can stop these mobile sites from showing you such ads when you are browsing them on your mobile.
A few months ago, I wrote a post about how to open the desktop version of a website. That trick actually helps you in this situation as well. I have been doing that since a long, thinking everyone would be knowing the trick, until a friend asked me to help him out and tell him a way he can browse a particular website without getting any popups to install an app.
So, If use Use Google Chrome on your Mobile, open the website and immediately request for the Desktop website, the ads as basically for the mobile users, and as the browser is serving the desktop version, it will not show those ads.
Alternatively, you can use UC browser, which has an Add-on for blocking ads, I have tried and tested it and it worked well on few nasty sites which were bombarding the install popups on their mobile sites.
I hope this will help you.
Since Techtip is a Community based website, I invite you to share your tips and tricks to tackle this problem. If you have found another way, please share it with us in the comments below.