Tesla Motors announced on Thursday that they have already received more than 325000 orders for its upcoming Tesla Model 3. The announcement came in a statement, where the car makers added numbers to the last reports. The statement also includes a projected figure of $14 billion worth of sales of the Tesla Model 3. The makers are currently looking forward to increase the rate of productions, as they are hoping for increased number of reservations for the car.
Tesla Motor’s CEO Elon Musk tweeted stating that they had received more than 180,000 orders for the car within the first 24 hours of the unveiling. What was also included in the statement released by Tesla Motors on Thursday was that the car makers did not do anything to endorse the product by any means. According to them, whatever response they have received is all organic and shows the inclination that people have towards Tesla Motors.
The Monday statement released by Tesla Motors points to them being slightly behind the lines as they have already shipped more than 14800 cars. The expected number of deliveries was smething around 16000 cars, but the figure that they have achieved is not that bad even. The car maker is scheduled to deliver around 80,000 to 90,000 cars in the year. The skeptics have already raised a few questions about how Tesla Motors aims to achieve the target having failed in the first quarter itself. This might just be the possible reason which saw the shares of Tesla Motors fall by 2.6% to $258.50 on Thursday.
With regards to the questions raised over falling behind in productions, Elon Musk was quick to make another tweet stating they are possibly already rethinking the production strategy. With so many other big names being unveiled during the New York Auto Show 2016, it will be interesting to see how Tesla Model 3 fares.