Whatsapp frequently bringing updates for their users. Recently they brought the Beta edition for Androidusers which have the compatibility for public in different groups. The edition of this version is 2.16.281 with numerous bug fixes and it has a lot of other improvements. Those who got the update can utilize the new function. Administrator of a group will have the facility to add any particular user through a special link. A button will be available on the top of the contact list which is useful to generate links.
This new feature is going to be very handy when it becomes tough for a user to get the contact details of a specific person. Now in this situation many third party apps can become useful as you can send the links through those apps. Users will receive those links and as soon as they click on it they will be added in the group. The only condition is that users should install Whatsapp on their mobile and they should follow the links through it.
There are numerous benefits of this function. It is not possible to add numerous contacts individually if we are interested to organize an event through social media channels. Now with this feature you can add a number of contacts in a group which is going to be beneficial to save the time and energy. It is up to you for how much time you want to keep the link active. The link will expire after the desired time and the contacts will not be able to become the part of the group. This function is certainly going to be valuable for event organizers. Moreover many other people who are looking to add more and more contacts on a specific group for any special reason will find it very functional.
Currently this public group chat is available on Beta edition. However the time is not very far when we will start receiving the benefits of it through a stable edition. Many organizations, individuals and different groups will start utilizing the functions very soon. There will also be a special ‘forward’ button in chat section. Now you can share any type of files and contents through this special button. A special forward arrow next to the content will help you to send the sections of the contents as per your requirement. You need not have to type the whole content once again to send any specific content. This content sharing facility will be available for individuals as well as groups.