With minor and major updates, Facebook delivered many new features in WhatsApp application. Up in the row, we have a voice calling feature and Google drive backup options. Eventually, there are many other mobile apps sporting voice and video add-ons. While talking about WhatsApp, it has got user-friendly App interface and compatible with most of the operating system.
According to the latest reports, Whatsapp video calling features is going to unlock in a couple of weeks. As you can see the leaked image, WhatsApp private beta version in iOS supports video calling feature. It confirms, the developer already completed a new feature coding. WhatsApp video calling add-onis under testing. We can expect one more major update notification in the official store.
How this actually works? While you were in video call, there are three options to perform (call end, microphone off/on, switch camera). We already used Call end and microphone options are voice calling features. When it comes to Camera options, this allows to switch front facing shooter to rear camera in one tap.
Moreover, this new feature could be a missile to take down large competitor. Some rumors also suggest, future WhatsApp also gets a new sporty design featuring a big focus on the color green. Additionally, it also carries a new simple and easier UI based tabs.
Anyhow, a couple of weeks to go. We look forward more news on mobile applications. Feel free to write your best features on WhatsApp in the comment section below.