Earlier this month, Xiaomi has revealed a list of smartphones that will be getting the latest Android 6.0 Marshmallow software update, which included Mi Note, Mi Note Pro, Note 2 and Prime, Redmi 2 and Prime, Mi4c, Mi4i and Mi4. But surprisingly, Xiaomi has begun to roll out Android 6.0.1 update directly.
A Chinese Mi4 user has posted a couple of screenshots of the 6.0.1 Marshmallow firmware on Xiaomi Mi4. Last week, Xiaomi Mi Note has received the Android 6.0 update, but surprisingly, Mi4 receives 6.0.1 version.
According to the screenshot posted by the user, device is being updated to the build number MMB29M, Android 6.0.1 M. The update package is of around 100MB in size. Xiaomi launched Mi4 in July 2014 with KitKat-based MIUI firmware. Since then, there have been many updates with the file size ranging from 500MB to 687MB, but the Marshmallow update in a 100MB package is truly surprising.
Marshmallow on Mi4 screenshots:
On last October, MIUI was updated to version 7 and in January, it was updated to version 7.1 with Lollipop firmware. Meanwhile, there is a AOSP ROM that runs on Marshmallow for Mi4 and Mi3 available, but you need to install the recovery file, Google apps and the firmware package manually. If you wait for a few more days, the official version of the software will be yours in an easy OTA update.
LG G3: Meanwhile, in the United States, Verizon has started rolling out Android 6.0 Marshmallow update to LG G3 devices. This device was initially running on Android 4.4.2 KitKat, later updated to Android 5.1.1 Lollipop in last October, and now the latest update is being rolled out.